
Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21 ~ Photo Challenge

What a beautiful day to take a drive through 
the country side.
Birds singing
Sun shining brightly
Trees beginning to bud
Flowers rising to meet the warmth of the day

I was truly enjoying this warm, refreshing 
spring drive,
when all of a sudden.....................




a cold breeze swept all around me....



I began to shivvvvvver...



and I was...

Awakened to reality!!!

“The best reason 

for having dreams 

is that in dreams 

no reasons are necessary.”

~ Ashleigh Brilliant

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20 ~ Photo Challenge

Morning Drive on the way to memorial mass for Dad!

Looking to the west I see the beautiful moon...

Looking to the east I see the beautiful sunrise.

“Yesterday is but a dream, 

tomorrow but a vision. 

But today well lived 

makes every yesterday 

a dream of happiness, 

and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. 

Such is the salutation to the dawn.”

~ Sanskrit Proverb

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19 ~ Photo Challenge

Spent the day scanning photos!  

Getting ready for another project with Heirloom Photo Journeys!


Scanned photos of my dad from 1951 while he was serving in the Korean War.

Have you started your photo book yet?  
Are your memories becoming jpegs?
Don't let your photos sit on your computer...
go to
sign up for an account and start publishing wonderful memories to hand down to future genrations.  
You'll be glad you did!

"Our todays are making memories for tomorrow"

Days 17 and 18 Photo Challenge

Day 17:

Had to wait for the train on my way home.
Have you ever noticed trains no longer have a caboose.

caboose: last car on freight train, occupied by conductor, rear brakeman, and crew, in which their meals are taken. (origin:1861)

So what is the function of the caboose?
When American railroads began to haul freight over long distances, they contrived a special car for the train crew, with a cook stove to keep warm and prepare meals.
For more than a century the little red caboose was a distinctive feature of American railroads. Work rules were changed and crews reduced in the 1970s, and cabooses were consigned to museums, playgrounds, and scrap.

Until the 1980s, laws in the United States and Canada required that all freight trains have a caboose and a full crew, for safety. Technology eventually advanced such that the railroads, in an effort to save money and reduce crew members, stated that a caboose was unnecessary, since there were improved bearings and lineside detectors to detect hot boxes, and better designed cars to avoid problems with the load. The railroads also claimed that a caboose was also a dangerous place, as slack run-ins could hurl the crew from their places and even dislodge weighty equipment. With the introduction of FREDs (flashing rear-end device/end-of-train device; often referred to by railroad companies as an EOTD, an acronym for "end of train device"), the caboose was no longer necessary.

So there is the reason why we no longer see a caboose at the end of a!

Day 18:

Spent the evening texting with my sister
(check out her photo blog
and ended up with no photo.  It was snowing out side so thought I'd try to capture a picture of the falling snow, well it was cold and I accidentally snapped this pic.  So that's what you are getting: my footprints! 

“Some people come into our lives 

and quickly go. 

Some stay for awhile 

and leave footprints 

on our hearts. 

And we are never, ever the same.”

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16 ~ Photo Challenge

Meet Dwight...

Do you ever feel like this?
That you're just swimming in circles...
Going nowhere...

“If you do not know where you are going, 

every road will get you nowhere.”

~ Henry Kissinger

So make a plan, find your road and follow where it may lead...
you may be surprised by what you find at the end of it.

Dwight is very happy in his bowl...

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; 

remember that what you now have

 was once among the things you only hoped for.”

~ Epicurus

Day 15 ~ Photo Challenge

Movie Night!!
 (Last Night)

What did we watch?

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio

In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind 
through dream invasion, 
a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption 
which involves executing his toughest job to date: 

This was an awesome, deep, thought provoking movie. 
Will have to watch this again!

A "Must See" Movie!

beginning; start; commencement

“All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions.”

~ Leonardo da Vinci