
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32 ~ Photo Challenge

Sometimes you just have days that are kinda icky....
Nothings really wrong...but you just feel icky...
We all have little things around us that takes away the icky....
So good bye icky.....

“Courage doesn't always roar. 

Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,

 "I will try again tomorrow.”

~Mary Anne Radmacher

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 31 ~ Photo Challenge

Well today was the day to take my sister back to the airport.
She ended up  taking an earlier flight, than planned due to weather conditons.
Ice and snow...Yuck!

This is my side mirror on my car...

How thick is it?

This is a dime placed in the crack of the ice on the same mirror!

We had to stop about every 20 to 30 minutes to 
scrape the ice off the windshield wipers!

The defrost; although on high
and roasting us on the inside;
could not keep up with the ice accumulations.

Yes, we all made it home safely!

When driving in dangerous conditions 
one must proceed with caution,
respect Mother Nature

Day 30 ~ Photo Challenge

January 30, 2011

I was also blessed to be able to see my grandson this weekend.
He's 2 1/2 and always on the go!
To get a face shot I had to lie on the floor 
and take a pic while he was busy playing!

I Love my Caden!

“Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old.”

~ Mary H. Waldrip

Day 29 ~ Photo Challenge

Headed back up to the farm to get ready for another 
"family get together"
Would you believe there was 
empty box 
after empty box 
after empty box 
after empty box 
above the garage...
Nope, we do not need that many empty boxes!

“The match of life has been struck, 

and too soon it will burn out.

 All that matters is the beauty of the flame, 

not the length of it's burning.”

Day 28 ~ Photo Challenge

New Photo Challenge for Fridays!
My sister and I will be following 
Facebook Weekly challenge!

This weeks challenge "window"...

On January 28, 2010
Stopped at the farm I grew up on 
and took pictures of 2 views I grew up with!

First up:

My bedroom window or also known as "the Girls Room"

Second Window:

The "Living Room"

“Home is a place you grow up 

wanting to leave, 

and grow old wanting to get back to”

~  John Ed Pearce

Day 27 ~ Photo Challenge

Time to play catch up!  
I have a very good reason for not getting my photos posted the last few days.
My "Baby" sister from Denver came to visit.  Haven't seen her since November 2010.
So here I am picking her up at the airport on 
January 27,2011!

“A sister is a gift from God, 

sent from above to make 

life worthwhile here below.”

Also check out my other amazing little sister's blog 
She has finished he alphabet challenge 
and is on to new photo challenges; 
make sure you check it out!

I LOVE my Sisters!